di Amati Andrea I

1526 - List of citizens who can carry weapons - “Mazor Porta Pertuso”

Mazor Porta Pertuso
Io. Liunardo da M[ar]tine[n]go passa ani 50 pater / Andrea et Jo. Ant° fameij del D° Liuter. 2

  • 1526, Cremona
  • Sheet of paper manuscript
  • Archivio di Stato of Cremona
  • Comune di Cremona: Fragmentorum, Busta 21, carta 6
  • Archivio Storico Comunale of Cremona
  • Bonetti 1938
  • In the document, which lists the citizens of vicinia "Mazor Porta Pertuso" that can bear arms for the defense of the city, Bonetti, followed by others, has shown evidence that the Andrea and Giovanni Antonio mentioned were the two brothers Amati and, therefore, Giovanni Liunardo was their master of violin making. But the term "fameij" (familiars) is etymologically far removed from that of apprentices or journeymen in the shop. In addition, it has never been proven that Andrea Amati had a brother named Giovanni Antonio and, finally, the two names were so common at the time by not being able completely to connect the two boys at the two possible brothers Amati.
  • Archivio di Stato of Cremona, permission n. 3 of 27.02.2013

creato:giovedì 8 marzo 2012
modificato:martedì 21 ottobre 2014