1617 - Violin "Lobkovicz"

The back is two-piece of maple of medium curl, descending to the left. On the nose, there is the cerulean blue seal with the coat of arms of Prince Maximilian I Joseph Wittelsbach Lobkovicz (1772-1816).

  • 1617, Cremona
  • Rembert Wurlitzer Inc. 1953/57; Edward H. Schultz 1957/88; Bein & Fushi 1988/89; Galvin (Mary Galvin' doughter) 1989
  • The instrument belonged to the Lobkowicz family's collection, that Prince Joseph Franz Maximilian (1772-1816) collected in his Roudnice castle, outside Prague. The instrument was looted by the Nazis from the castle in 1942, with many other valuable instruments and works of art, while the heir of the family Maximilian Lobkowicz - son of the last Prince Lobkowicz - was taking refuge in London. Back in Czechoslovakia after the Second World War, Lobkowicz reclaimed the family property, but no one knows if he got back the entire collection. In 1948, the Communists seized the collection and he fled again to London in the first place and then to America. No one knows exactly how, the 1617 instrument had been found and sold in America. It had several owners and has been played by Rachel Barton Pine (1990-2000), Daniel Roehn (2003), Caroline Goulding (2009).
  • Reich - Gaines 2001

creato:venerdì 8 marzo 2013
modificato:giovedì 23 marzo 2017